RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. May 9, 2016 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held in the band room of the South Raymore-Peculiar High School building. Those in attendance were Kim Roberts, Jo Prickett, Allison Bruflat, John Bruflat, Dan Dorweiler, Sherri Jungman, Kim Sickler, Melissa Hogan, Sherry Dubois, Angela Weis, Chris Wilhite, Julie Adolphson, Amanda McVay, Elizabeth Craig, Dillon Jarrett, John Wilson, Jennifer Gibson, Debbie Elrod, Dana Wilhite, Tracy Caskey and Kellie Norton. The meeting was called to order at 6:59 p.m. Meeting Minutes Approval: *the minutes from the April 12, 2016 meeting were reviewed *a motion to approve was made by Kim Roberts and seconded by Melissa Hogan and the motion carried Director’s Report: John Wilson Marching Band Auditions: *students had fun and had good attitudes *excited for marching band to start again State Music Contest: *fifteen 1 ratings, twenty 2 ratings and three 3 ratings were received *this was a good day for the students Band Extravaganza Nights: *thanks to all who assisted with the Band Extravaganza nights *1600-1700 people attended each night with approximately 3000 people total *proud of the band program and how it is going *the directors appreciate having videos of the concerts Awards Night: *Hawaiian theme *Trevor will make a video; if people have videos, send them in *students will fill out a lettering form Summer Marching Band Camp: *last two weeks of July *Drum Major and Section Leader try-outs next week *drum line camp dates may need to be flexible depending on the new teacher’s schedule Physicals: *physicals need to be completed by marching band camp *a parent suggested Minute Clinic for physicals for $25 *turn in to JoEllen Hainey at the High School New Percussion Teacher: *interviewed for the new teacher today; good candidates *should hear by the end of the week Drum Line Auditions: *positions are posted New Color Guard Coach: *Mr. Short will not be returning as the color guard coach *this is the next position the directors will focus on filling Thank You: *Mr. Wilson thanked the Executive Board *this has been a good year *students have been successful *students are playing higher level music *encourage students to take band every day; we need to advocate for that *thanks to everyone who has helped this year and thanks for stepping up; it is appreciated New Instruments: *the school bought new instruments including a tuba, a baritone saxophone, a tenor saxophone and a bassoon Future Needs: *will need new marching band uniforms; current uniforms are 6-7 years old *will need new drum line equipment which could be approximately $12,000 Band Fees: *band fee information will be coming soon *marching band fees will have a portion paid up front *we will also get money from students who graduate which will help balance fees that are not paid Future Events: *next year the marching band will go to four competitions *there will be a trip to St. Louis *next big band trip may be in 2018-2019 Communications Report: Dillon Jarrett No report President’s Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton No report Vice President Report: Dana Wilhite Plant Sale: *the Band Boosters made almost $3000 on the plant sale *the location at Bethlehem Lutheran Church was great and we had good helpers Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey *Tracy provided a monthly bank statement and stated all bills are paid *CHARMS statements went out Sunday *continuing to receive fee payments *Dillon discussed how Tracy has spend a lot of time working in CHARMS to learn how to make the program better and thanked her for her hard work and dedication Uniform Chairperson Report: Jo Prickett *tux bags have been taken apart and will be ready for cleaning *two bibbers still need to be returned Hospitality Chairperson Report: Kim Sickler *cake, punch and plates are ready for the Awards Night Band Dad Chairperson Report: Chris Wilhite Trailer: *keys and new locks been obtained for the trailer *Chris asked about where the trailer and the shed will be stored once the construction at the High School begins *Jay Harris is leaving the district, but he was ok with a variety of relocation options *possible locations include Shull Elementary, but this may be in the parent traffic flow *locating the items in a place where there are cameras present was suggested to prevent vandalism Eagle Scout Project/Trailer Remodel: *curious about timeline and location for this project *the directors will ask Scott Dobson about the location Color Guard Flats: *would like to make new flats for next year that are lighter and more portable New Business By Law Changes: *vote for by law changes was tabled until an attorney can review them *attorney recommendations will be discussed at the next meeting Election of New Board Members for 2016-2017: *Kellie asked for additional nominations but no nominations were given and no vote taken *Allison Bruflat will be the President, Dana Wilhite will be the Vice President, Tracy Caskey will be the Treasurer and Julie Adolphson will be the Secretary *Chris Wilhite will be the Band Dad Chairperson *Angela Weis will be the Hospitality Chairperson *the last meeting of the 2015-2016 Board will be June 7, 2016 Volunteers Needed: *volunteers for Uniform Chairperson and Fundraising Chairperson are still needed *volunteers to assist with Band Dads and with Hospitality will also be needed A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dillon Jarrett and was seconded by Kellie Norton. Meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. By Law Requested Changes
Article IV. Supporters Currently reads: All parents and guardians of students currently in the Raymore Peculiar School District Band Program and the Color Guard Program are eligible to be supporters. As stated in the articles of Incorporation: The corporation shall have no members as such (although it may refer to its supporters or contributors as “members”) Add: All band directors as supporters. Article V. The Board Section 1 Add members of the board Fundraising Chair, Head Field Crew Chair, and or two members at large. Section 5 Currently reads: Board Member vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled by normal election procedure with the nominating committee being responsible for the nomination. Add: Exemption for the President’s position an emergency executive board meeting will be held for the Vice President to take the oath of President. The Vice President shall take oath and the election for the Vice President will be voted upon at the next scheduled meeting. Article VI Committees Section 1 Standing committees requested changes Fundraising - If there is no fundraising chair the president and the board are responsible for raising funds. Trip – Strike out completely. Committees Requested to Add: Trailer Committee: The trailer committee will be responsible for the trailer budget, to be submitted at the May general booster meeting. Fuel, tires, truck, and follow up and yearly sponsorships. -include truck rental Band Dad Committee: The band dad committee would be responsible for band maintenance items, building show sets, transportation of equipment throughout the year, travel crews, and any other duties assigned by the board. Father Daughter Dance Committee: This committee would be responsible for the biggest student fundraiser of the year. This responsibility would include picking the date, setting up the positions within, recruiting the band students and parents, scheduling work sessions and supervising, and making sure the dance is completed from beginning to end. Section 4 Currently reads: Each committee chair shall submit budgetary needs to the Treasurer before the July meeting for inclusion in the annual budget. Committees are authorized to expend funds up to $500 of its approved budget without subsequent approval by the board. All reimbursement requests against this committee’s budget must conform to the reimbursement process outlined in Article VIII. Add: at budget, any over budget will need to be approved by the board. Strike out Committees is authorized to expend funds up to $500 of its approved budget without subsequent approval by the board. Article VII Powers and Duties of Board Members Section 4 Currently reads: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds of the organization and shall keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall present a financial statement at all meetings of the organization, at other when requested by the board, and shall make a full report at the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall provide for an annual review and audit committee after the close of each fiscal year and shall present to the board before August 15th. The board will appoint an internal audit committee and such committee will not include a prior treasurer or the incoming treasurer. The term “committee” as used in this section shall mean a committee of at least 2 or more band supporters (as defined in the bylaws). The Treasurer will insure that all applicable tax returns for the Band Boosters are prepared and filed in accordance with federal, state, and local statues by an external, licensed CPA. The chosen CPA must be approved by a simple majority if the board prior to the Treasurer engaging their services. Add: taxes must be field by November 15th of every year. All committee budgets are due by the May general meeting and collected by the Treasurer for the budget meeting at the executive board meeting in July with the current elected officers. Section 5 Current reads: The Director of Bands shall be responsible for providing the guidance required to ensure that proper decisions are made to support the overall Band program. The Director of bands will also ensure that adherence to School Policies is maintained. Add: all band directors after the director of bands. (This is not needed if they are defined as a supporter and in control) Article VIII – Finances Section 2 Current reads: All checks and other evidences of indebtedness of the corporation shall be signed by either the treasurer or the President. Add: all checks and other evidences of indebtedness shall be signed by both the Treasurer and the President. Add an additional section: Add an Assistant Treasurer to be voted in by the general boosters (will not be part of the executive board) to balance bank statements and help with balancing fundraisers. The President, Treasurer, Assistant treasurer and Uniform chair shall have a username and password to Charms. Section 5 Current Reads: Student Accounts: Students may increase the balance of their student accounts either by fundraising activities or by direct contribution. If permitted by the Raymore-Peculiar School District, band fees or insurance required by the school at the time of enrollment may be paid with the student accounts. Financial expenditures not provided by the organization for instructors, camps, clinics, seminars, instrument rental, and band accessories such as shoes, gloves, flag accessories) may be reimbursed from student accounts. Requests for dispersal of student accounts monies must be made in writing on a Reimbursement Request form to the Treasurer and signed by the student and parent/guardian. In order for the student to be awarded the funds outside purchases, a receipt must be received and approved by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will have the final decision making authority in accordance with these bylaws for the validity of expenses submitted for reimbursement. In the case where expenses are submitted for the Treasurer’s student, this power will transfer to the President and signature approval must be received prior to disbursement by the Treasurer. Add/ Change: Strike out Reimbursement after may be and change to paid from. Strike our Reimbursement from before on and change to money transfer request form from band website. Strike out: The Treasurer will have the final decision making authority in accordance with these bylaws for the validity of expenses submitted for reimbursement. In the case where expenses are submitted for the Treasurer’s student, this power will transfer to the President and signature approval must be received prior to disbursement by the Treasurer. Section 6 Add: A debit card will be issued to the President, Treasurer and Hospitality Chair. Add a 6b: All disbursements (over $100 and not in the budget) will require a vote at a regular business meeting. Section 7 Current reads: The annual budget for the Band Booster Organization shall be established by the Board at the regularly scheduled July meeting. This budget will be a working document that details expected financial needs of the Booster Organization for the current year. Add: After Organization, add and director’s budget. Add after current year, this status of this budget will be reviewed at every regular business meeting. Article X – Elections Section 1 Strike out entire section. Section 2 Strike out entire section, and change to volunteer’s ad nominations will be taken by the board at the April and May regular meeting. Re number sections in accordance with changes. Section 5 Strike out sections 2 and 3 and change to 1 and 2. Section 8 Add after A vacancy in any office (other than the president) which shall be immediately filled by the vice-president. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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