RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. November 10, 2015 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on November 10, 2015 in the band room in the South Raymore-Peculiar High School building. Those is attendance were: Kellie Norton, Kim Roberts, Pat Roberts, Kerry Lesmeister, Elizabeth Craig, Robert Hacker, Lisa Roberts, Dana Wilhite, Jennifer Inman, Jo Prickett, Rod Inman, Jeff Prickett, Denise Staudinger, Sherri Jungman, Jackie Dorweiler, Dan Dorweiler, John Bruflat, Chris Wilhite, Angela Weis, D. Norton, Christy Stewart, Holli Berry, Julie Adolphson, Alex Caskey, Tracy Caskey, Melissa Hogan, Sherry Dubois, Kirk Elrod, Kim Sickler, Julie Godsey, Rebecca Yates, Tim Yates, Huey Ru Strauss, Lisa Yang, Allison Bruflat, John Wilson, Dillon Jarrett, Jennifer Gibson and Debbie Elrod. The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. The meeting minutes from the October 17th meeting were reviewed. Kim Roberts made a motion to approve the minutes and Kellie Norton seconded. The meeting minutes were approved. Director’s Report: John Wilson Blue Springs competition: *the Blue Springs competition was successful *thank you to everyone who helped out *it was a good family atmosphere concert: *thanks to all the helpers with the band concert *sound shells helped with performance in the gymnasium All-District Band: *52 students qualified All-State Band: *auditions will be on Saturday, December 5th *practice time will have to be made for these students upcoming concerts *Thursday, December 10th will be a concert with the Wind Symphony and the Bridle Ridge Band *Friday, December 11th will be the Middle School Band concert *Thursday, December 17th will be a concert with the Symphonic Band and the Eagle Glen Band *the Concert Band will also have a special event TBD band survey: *Mr. Wilson has sent out a survey to area band directors to gather information about different aspects of band programs *information included schedules for purchasing new instruments, extra help needs, etc. *a marching band survey is TBD jazz band: *2 jazz bands have started *students are excited and eager to participate City Lights performance: *date of performance is during the Hawaii trip; not able to participate Communication Report: Dillon Jarrett thank you: *thanks to parents who helped with marching band; it would be impossible to do it without you Hawaii meeting: *meeting went well *trip packet is posted on the band website Symphonic Band: Jennifer Gibson *testing through Google classroom; please remind students to submit their assignments; there may be some technical difficulties President’s Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton thank you: *thanks to all the parents who helped with marching band fundraising: El Dorado: *Wednesday, December 9th *price and time TBA *will be an all-you-can-eat buffet Butter Braids: *turn in orders by Friday and they will still take them; contact Sherri Jungman Father-Daughter Dance: *contact: Julie Godsey *Hawaiian theme *need new coat rack; Band Dads project? Vice President’s Report: position vacant Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey treasurer’s report: *Tracy distributed copies of the monthly report band fees: *fees were due November 15th current status: *there are a few checks we will be receiving to supplement our funds *low funds right now •creating an itemized list of expenditures for this year to help with planning for next year *$9000 in band fees have not been paid *no one has requested assistance through the benevolent fund *it was suggested that the marching band list be created earlier to give parents more time to pay fees CHARMS: *CHARMS system sends out monthly statements *parents need to update contact information in the CHARMS system *CHARMS system is helping to give a clearer picture of who has and hasn’t paid fees *positive improvements have been made with fee tracking and collection but this takes time marching band shoes: *if students ordered new band shoes through Jo Prickett, please let Tracy know so the shoes can be charged to the proper student accounts Uniform Chairperson Report: Jo Prickett uniforms: *hats and uniforms are still in the trailer; will have students assist in bringing them in *Hawaiian shirts and bibbers will be worn for the concert on November 19th *25-30 students need to be sized; during the school day would be best *will separate uniforms into two groups: those going to Hawaii and those who are not Hospitality Chairperson Report: Kim Sickler All-District band: *pizza was provided donation: *donuts and cider that were purchased for the final football game were donated to the Fire Department and the Athletic Boosters thank you: *debit card was very helpful for making food purchases; thanks to all who helped with food service Head Band Dad Chairperson: Chris Wilhite planning for next season: *would like to know the show needs for next year earlier; Mr. Wilson stated marching band music/program may be determined by Christmas this year *would like to replace the black screens New Business: election of the Band Booster Executive Board Vice President: *Kim Roberts and Dana Wilhite shared information about themselves *ballots were cast *Dana Wilhite won a majority of the votes and was named the new Vice President A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8 p.m. by Tracy Caskey and it was seconded by Holli Berry. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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