MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. July 14, 2015 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on July 14, 2015 in the South High School band room. Those in attendance were: Sherri Jungman, Allison Bruflat, Dana Wilhite, Marie Corbin, Robert Hacker, Jim Johnson, Debbie Elrod, John Wilson, Jennifer Gibson, Tracy Caskey, Kellie Norton, Mr. Sickler and Tobey Weiner. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: The June 9, 2015 minutes were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Kellie Norton and seconded by John Wilson. Motion carried. Director’s Report: John Wilson Summer band camp: *summer band camp started today with the frontline meeting with Mr. McCoy *Monday was the leadership camp which went well; students watched videos and completed reflection papers prior to the camp Important items needed for band camp: *every student needs their own Thermos and a 1” 3-ring binder (black binder preferred) with plastic sheet protectors *binders will be used for practicing music outside DCI: *approximately 60 people went to the Drum Corps International (DCI) competition in Warrensburg; the weather was hot, but it was a good experience *on 8/6/15, DCI will have an event in theaters; more details to come Band director budget: *budget includes money for music (as needed), instrument repair, color guard assistance, drumline/frontline assistance, drum major camps, clinicians to assist all bands, accompanists etc. *total budget request is $8,800 for the 2015-2016 year; last year’s budget was around $6000 *a motion to approve the budget was made by Kellie Norton and seconded by Dana Wilhite; motion passed Band pictures: *pictures for the foot ball program will be taken in the morning on the last day of band camp, Friday, 7/31/15 *a group picture and individual pictures will be taken *Jennifer Scrivener is the contact for the football program *first football game is 8/25/15 Band fees: *information will be provided online (via the Charms system) *students will also receive a letter regarding band fees on the first day of band camp * a new marcher could expect to pay approximately $225.; last year fees were around $200 *a non-marching student could expect to pay approximately $90 *biggest expense is food; band fees include all meals *band fees form will also include a parent volunteer section on the back *band fees form will also be made available in Google docs Band theme: *this year’s marching band routine theme is “Dreams” Hawaii t-shirts: *the possibility of getting special shirts for the Hawaii trip will be investigated Communications Report: Jennifer Gibson reporting for Dillon Jarrett Charms system: *incoming freshman should have received an email for logging into the Charms system (band account system) at the end of the 8th grade *information will be sent out again to parents *investigating if payment of fees can be broken down in the Charms system President’s Report/Head Band Dad: Jim Johnson Trailer logo: *a presentation was given by Tobey Weiner with Big Mouth Prints *a mock-up of the logo design was provided * there are two options for the logo, wrapping or vinyl die-cuts, since the trailer is painted *logo should last 3-5 years if not used frequently *company would provide a warranty if there are problems with the logo before 3 years *Mr. Weiner recommended vinyl die-cuts for the logo *it would take approximately 2 days to complete *$6500-$7000 for the die-cut logos *cheapest bid was $4500 without including the back doors *back doors will have sponsor logos on them; sponsors who provided $1000-$1500 will be listed *donations for the trailer include: $2500 for painting, $1000 for lights, $1500 donation from Raymore Community Bank, $3000 from Trans West (providing maintenance for trailer) Trailer painting: *paint costs have increased; final balance remaining for painting is $1721.90 *total bill was $3721.90; $2000 has already been paid *John Wilson motioned to approve payment of $1721.90 for painting and Jim Johnson seconded; motion passed Trailer interior: *shelving/hat cubbies need to be installed in the trailer *will cost approximately $2250 to complete; would like to have this completed by Senior Night *John Wilson motioned to approve up to $2500 to finish the trailer and Robert Hacker seconded; motion passed *interior work to begin on Saturday, 7/18/15 from 8 am-2 pm Vice President Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton Kona ice truck: *snow cones will be sold at the high school each Friday of band camp; prices up to $5 Mums: *forms will be given out 8/13/15; last day to sell will be 8/27/15 *mum delivery will be the evening of 9/17/15 and will coincide with band rehearsal *there will be a link put into the newsletter *a volunteer is needed to guard the flowers during the day until pick-up time Trashbags: TBD Butterbraids: *sales will start in October *delivery will be at the pre-Hawaii concert on 11/19/15 Garage sale: *date and location TBD; will investigate having a hotdog sale at Price Chopper along with a garage sale at that site Buffalo Wild Wings: *TBD Golden Corral: *may be a possibility according to Jennifer Gibson; not sure what percentage they would offer Band Mom/Band Dad shirts and hats: *Monkey Printing to provide some design ideas *booster club fundraiser Parent shirts: *parents will be able to purchase the same shirts students receive with their band fees for $10 *a link will be added to the website Family picnic: *a family picnic was proposed to help get band parents involved: date and time TBD Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey The following information was given to Tracy Caskey by Jeff McDowell, former Treasurer Account balances: *Savings account balance: $19,483.85 (individual student accounts) *Checking account balance: $25,047.83 *balances are from June 2015 statements but may not reflect all transactions Truck raffle refunds: the last of the refunds were recently sent out; not all checks were cashed Popcorn money: still in process Transfer of account access: *Tracy will meet Jeff on Wednesday 7/15/15 at Community Bank of Raymore to transfer over account access *Jim Johnson, Band Booster President, will also need to go to the Community Bank of Raymore *there is the possibility of a limited number of free transactions for the saving account; will investigate if another type of account would be more beneficial at the bank visit Uniform Chair Report: Tracy Caskey Uniform chairperson needed: *uniform chairperson is desperately needed for the school year; any volunteers would be greatly appreciated *biggest part of this job is organization, not sewing *Tracy is willing to get the uniform process started if she can have additional helpers *current students should be ok with their uniform assignments; freshman will need to be sized Uniform assembly: * on Thursday 7/16/15 at 6:30 pm, uniforms need to be put together for each student *parents and students (including the student leadership team) will be asked to assist *uniform fitting will begin on Tuesday 7/21/15 starting at 11:30 am; freshman should be fitted last Uniform storage: *Jim Johnson stated uniforms will be stored in the trailer this year in individual bags; hats will be stored in cubbies and will need to be numbered Hospitality Chair Report: Mr. Sickler reporting for Kim Sickler Band camp lunches: *pizza will be provided for the last day of band camp; a head count is needed for ordering *lunches will not be available for purchase during band camp this year *students are to bring their lunches each day; students are not allowed to leave for lunch during band camp according to John Wilson New Business Senior recognition: *John Wilson discussed senior recognition changes for this year *seniors will receive a senior braid, a citation and a different colored plume instead of a bandana *John Wilson will get prices for next month’s meeting *a senior list and a student list is needed Debit cards: *Jennifer Gibson proposed the acquisition of two additional debit cards for the band account * one debit card would be given to Kim Sickler, the Hospitality Chairperson, to eliminate the need for Ms. Sickler to use her personal credit card to make purchases upfront; the Band Boosters were in agreement with this recommendation with the stipulation that all receipts for purchases would be turned in to Tracy Caskey, Band Booster Treasurer *the other debit card could be used for transportation costs (ex. gasoline) when the band travels *Tracy Caskey will investigate this possibility at her bank meeting on 7/15/15 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 pm by Jim Johnson and was seconded by Jennifer Gibson. Motion carried. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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