RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. April 12, 2016 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on April 12, 2016 in the band room at the South Raymore-Peculiar High School building. Those in attendance were: Kellie Norton, Dana Wilhite, Tracy Caskey, Alec Adolphson, Doug Adolphson, Scott Bradley, Allison Bruflat, Trent Stevens, Missy Stevens, Angela Weiss, Sherry Jungman, Kim Roberts, Libby Craig, Kindra Hacker, Robert Hacker, Penny Scott, and Melissa Hogan. The meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m. Director’s Report: John Wilson Jazz Bands •Jazz Bands did great at festivals. Jazz 1 received a 1 at UCM and Jazz 2 received a 2. State Large Ensemble •The bands all did extremely well. Wind Symphony and Symphonic Band received 1 ratings and Concert Band received a 2. District Solo/Ensemble •We received an incredible amount of 1s and 2s. Thirty-six events will be going to State. Wind Symphony •Concert with UMKC was great. Auditions for Next Year •Brought in outside people to evaluate auditions for placement in next year’s bands. Upcoming Meetings/Dates •Marching Band Tryouts April 21 and 28. •There will be a mandatory meeting for Marching Band parents. •There will also be a meeting for Wind Symphony parents. •State Solo/Ensemble is April 29. We will have a recital night prior to this. We need to put more emphasis on State performances as this can be a cruel process. Students need to learn the importance of preparing. Band Program •Our band program is really good; marching is the only area that we need to make major improvements. This is partly due to the fact that we haven’t had band every day in 7th grade which means we have 115 hours less class time than other schools when students are entering 9th grade. Our students have to catch up at the high school level. We can’t compete with other districts as far as money goes. Mr. Kruse checked into band fees for some other schools (Blue Springs is $1200, Blue Springs South is $600). We need to increase our band fees in order to be able to compete. •We appreciate all the help from volunteers. •This has been a very successful year for the students. More Dates •Band Extravaganza: Thursday - Symphonic Band, Bridle Ridge, 8th Grade, and Percussion. Friday - Eagle Glen, Concert Band, Wind Symphony, 7th Grade, Percussion. •Band Camp will be the last two weeks in July. Percussion Camp will be the week before. •Awards Night is May 10th. •We will move the monthly booster meeting to May 9th. Communication Report: Dillon Jarrett Intermediate School Band •Try the instrument days went well. We brought in a lot of people to help figure out the best fit for kids/instruments. •A little over 50% of the 6th grade will be in band next year. •This was the first year for 6th graders to have band every day and we are seeing a tremendous difference. it is going very well. •Jennifer Gibson commented that since the bond issue passed, she foresees needing to fight for new structure with the band program. President’s Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton Upcoming Elections •President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary needed •Need Uniform Chairperson •Volunteers or nominations can be taken now until May 9th. Fundraisers •Kim Roberts has trash bags. Last day to pick them up is April 22. •Cancelling Culver’s Night due to lack of volunteers. •Need volunteers to serve food at the Band Extravaganza. Price Chopper will be catering. We are selling tickets for $10. We make $3 per meal. Hours for volunteering are 4:45-7 p.m. •Mattress Sale: sold about 23. According to Mr. Wilson, the pillow he bought there is awesome. Next year, we will probably move the sale back to the high school on a Sunday. •Father-Daughter Dance: 76 kids worked 974 hours and split $8296. Total income was $13,000. $800 went to the booster club. Next year’s theme will be Alice in Wonderland. Budgets •Need to have committee budgets by June •Tracy is working on tracking what was spent last year and itemizing. •Food was approximately $5/person/meal. Vice President’s Report: Dana Wilhite Spring Plant Sale •Sale will be April 23 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Hours will be 8-3 p.m.. Creekside Nursery will be providing the plants. Please help spread the word. Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey •Letters have been sent out to those still owing band fees. •It was reported that Color Guard will be holding letters until fees are paid. •Mr. Wilson noted that there is confusion with the the $50 activity fee versus band fees. The booster club does not pay for transportation. The district pays the entry fees for district and state contests. Marching competition fees are also covered. Uniform Chairperson Report •All uniforms are bagged and ready to go to the cleaners. Students have to either turn them in or pay for them. There are 4-5 marching uniforms that haven’t been returned. Hospitality Chairperson Report: Kim Sickler •Scott Bradley reported that there would be cake and punch at the awards night. New Business: Bylaw Changes •Kellie suggested that we submit our proposed bylaw changes to a lawyer for review and ask the lawyer if our bylaws supercede the Articles of Incorporation. •Proposed bylaw changes were read and opened for discussion. See addendum for the proposed changes. Eagle Scout Project •Doug Adolphson discussed his ideas to renovate the band trailer for his Eagle Scout project. •His plan includes moving uniforms and hats onto a caddy that comes out out the trailer. This will allow uniforms and instruments to be put away at the same time. •He wants to fix the unstable ramp. •A battery tray will be added to hold the battery. •A wench will be needed to bring in the rolling caddies. Sponsorships •Missy and Trent Stevens discussed getting sponsors for the truck instead of rental. They are also contacting businesses for trailer sponsorships. A motion was made at 8:40 p.m. by Tracy Caskey to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Melissa Hogan. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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