Minutes of the Board of Raymore-Peculiar Band Booster Club, Inc.
September 9, 2014 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on September 9, 2014 in the Ray-Pec High School band room. Those in attendance were: John Wilson, Dillon Jarrett, Jennifer Gibson, Brandi Van Bemmelen, Holli Berry, Dana Wilhite, Jeff McDowell, Sandi McIntosh, Mike McIntosh, Mary Fambrough, Kellie Norton, Tracy Caskey, Melissa Hogan, Lisa Hatfield, June Harryman, Julie Godsey and Kim Sickler. The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: A copy of the August 19, 2014 meeting minutes was presented. A motion was made by Dillon Jarrett to approve the minutes. Jennifer Gibson seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Director’s Report: John Wilson Mr. Wilson was extremely pleased with the band’s performance at the Royals game. Mr. Wilson thanked everyone who helped out with Friday night’s football game. Performances are good and keep getting better. September 13th is Drummit at the Summit at Lee’s Summit High School at 3pm. Mr. Wilson advised there are new drum harnesses on order but have not come in yet. September 20th is the Raymore Parade at 9am and then the band will go on to Blue Springs South for the afternoon competition. They will stop for lunch at a park on the way to Blue Springs. The band will make finals so will perform twice that day. September 26th is a home football game. Ian McClaflan is working with the drum line Mr. Wilson advised there will be practice on September 10th even though it is an early release day. The lines on the practice field have been marked correctly. Lisa Hatfield advised that the school is forming a new action committee called the Citizens Advisory Committee. They are looking for a band parent to represent the band on the committee. The committee will meet once a quarter. An e-mail will be put out at a later date asking if anyone wants to volunteer to represent the group. The band will be marching during half-time of the September 12th football game. Communications Report: Dillon Jarrett The website continues to be an effective means of communications. We average around 200 unique visitors per day. The most viewed pages are fundraising, high school, calendar and shirt orders. The Registration Page for the 3K is working well. We have already collected $200.00 in registration fees and we have not really begun advertising. Hawaii Update – we current have 253 students, parents and family signed up for the Hawaii trip o The next steps are to being investigating the most effective way to get the large instruments to Hawaii. Freight shipping may be a likely method. I will begin talking to band directors who have used this method on their trips to Hawaii and I will also contact the school district’s warehouse department. o The directors may contact a school in Hawaii to partner with us for the trip to let us use some of their larger equipment. Possibly set up a “rental” program with them for the use of their instruments. Jeff McDowell is helping to find a better extension cord to use with the sound system. The current cord may be an inadequate gauge plus the ground prong was removed at some point. Ideally, we will find a retractable cord that can be mounted to the sound system cart. Thank you to Mike McIntosh for helping air up the wheels on the sound cart and two speakers. He is also helping to repair the wheels that have been damaged. Vice President Report: Dana Wilhite Senior Night went well. Dana is working on getting prints of the photos for each student. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff McDowell Current checking account balance $6,748.11 Current savings account balance $27,255.03 (student accounts). Jeff advised that all student information has been entered into the new Charms Software System. An e-mail with student log in information will be sent to parents shortly. Fundraising: Mary Fambrough Mary advised 58 students sold mums for the fundraiser. There were 416 mums sold. Approximately $2,500 will be put into the students accounts that sold the mums. An e-mail will be sent advising that September 18th is the pick-up date for the mums. A few parent volunteers will be needed to help with the plants on the morning of September 18th. A sign-up genius e-mail will be sent around asking for volunteers to sign-up. The Papa John’s coupon card fundraiser is coming up shortly. The cards will be $5.00 each. September 27th is the Pancake Breakfast at Peculiar Methodist Church. Tickets are being prepared and will be sold for $6.00 each. A sign-up genius e-mail will be sent around asking for volunteers to sign-up to help with the breakfast. This fundraiser is a student account fundraiser. The September 13th Trivia Night has been cancelled. November 1st is the Craft Show and Bake Sale at Eagle Glen Intermediate. This will be both a band booster and student account fundraiser. A fundraiser is coming soon that will be selling Button Braid pastry items. There are plans to have a Food Drive at the next high school band concert to help give back to the community. The food donated will be donated to Loaves & Fishes, a community food bank. Mary advised the Fundraising Committee is still looking for someone to volunteer to coordinate the Father-Daughter Dance in February, 2015. The trash bag fundraiser will run from October 2nd to October 23rd. This is a student account fundraiser. October 12th at 7pm is the first annual Howl ‘n Glow. This will be a band booster account fundraiser. Jennifer Gibson is coordinating this event. There are 13 sign-ups at this point. Kellie Norton is getting donations for the event. The cost to register/enter the event is $25.00 and the participants can either walk or run. Lisa Hatfield suggested that flyers be printed up and sent home with the elementary aged students. Kellie is working on this. Monkey Printing is printing posters to hand out at businesses. Mr. Wilson advised that El Dorado’s Mexican Restaurant (Raymore) and Culver’s have reached out to him about doing fundraisers at those restaurants. Uniform Chair Report – Tracy Caskey Marching uniforms fittings complete – a few minor alterations are still in the works as students wear them – all will be taken care of before the first competition. o Big thank you to Nikki Heist, Raelynn Brown, Sarah Tibbett and, Julie Adolpson for helping with alterations. All students have shoes now. Five pair will be returned and our account credited. More gloves are on order and should be here for Friday’s game. There were not enough small sizes so students had to take bigger one. Beginning September 15th, sorting and organization of concert tuxes and dresses will start. Anyone who can help on Thursday nights or at after school practices, please contact me at 816-590-8616 to make sure I will be there. I plan to be there most days after school and Thursday nights but occasionally I have a conflict. Have wagon will travel!!! I will be using a collapsible little red wagon to haul ponchos in from now on in the event there is a chance of rain. This will follow the band formation so that they are very easily accessible. Uniform help sign-ups are on Sign-Up Genius. I would like to have 2 people to be around if possible when the kids are getting dressed that way I am not pulled in 5 different directions. I would like this for football games and competitions. Tracey advised she needs help on Thursday night (September 11th) with sorting uniforms Tracey thanked everyone who helped with getting wet band uniforms hung up after last Friday’s football game. Hospitality Chair Report- Kim Sickler Kim advised that the grilled hot dogs served to the students before the Royal’s game performance went over well. Kim is working on the preparations for the September 20th competition at Blue Springs South. She plans to serve brisket and turkey for the dinner meal. Kim is also working on the preparations for the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma competition. Band Dad’s Chair Report- Mike McIntosh Mike thanked everyone who helped last Friday night’s football game. Mike advised that he would like to get some type of cart for the bass drum or put some casters on it for easier moving. Screens for the Color Guard to use are done. Mike advised help is needed from band dads and band moms to help with the equipment. Mike is still looking into getting a rented ATV for this season. New Business There was a discussion regarding outstanding band fees not yet paid. The Executive Board has discussed amending the by-laws to address this issue. Draft wording will be finalized and voted on at the next meeting. There was discussion among the boosters present at tonight’s meeting regarding this and it was approved to review at the next meeting. In addition, we are attempting to recover approximately $650 in band fees from last year. Mr. Wilson will check on the price of flag bags and will check with Mr. Short on the number needed. Mr. Wilson advised he will talk to Coach Kruse to find out if the school will purchase the bags. Motion by Mr. Jarrett with a second by John Wilson to adjourn the meeting and Mary Fambrough seconded the motion. Motion passed. Adjourned at 7:39pm |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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