RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. November 4, 2014 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on November 4, 2014 in the band room at Raymore-Peculiar East Middle School. Those in attendance were: John Wilson, Jennifer Gibson, Dillon Jarrett, Brandi Van Bemmelen, Holli Berry, Mike McIntosh, Sandi McIntosh, Tracy Caskey, Kim Sickler, Kelly Norton, Jeff McDowell, Jim Johnson, Dana Wilhite, Julie Adolphson, Mary Fambrough, Maria Nickolson and Penny Scott. The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: Mike McIntosh made the motion to approve the minutes as presented and Jeff McDowell seconded. Motion carried. Director’s Report – John Wilson Thanks to the marching band helpers, dads, cooks, uniforms and all others who helped out. Mr. Wilson discussed the successes of the 2014 marching band season and competitions. Mr. Wilson discussed the need for a semi-trailer to haul the band equipment (more discussion below). All District Band tryouts are this Saturday (November 6th) at UCM. It is an all-day event and the busses will leave at 7:00am. Students are free to leave after their audition. All District Band tryouts are required for students in the Symphonic and Wind Symphony bands. Mr. Wilson asked for a parent volunteer to ride one of the busses as a chaperone to UCM on Saturday. Jeff McDowell volunteered. November 21st is the band’s performance at City Lights in Downtown Kansas City. The students that want to will be going ice skating afterward. On November 11th, the band will be performing at 8:30am at Raymore City Hall for Veteran’s Day. Mr. Wilson advised that jazz band will start next week. There are two jazz bands this year. There will be a high school band concert on November 11th at 7:00pm in the auditorium. The bands not performing at the time will not sit in the auditorium but will sit in the band rooms and watch the other bands perform on television. Mr. Wilson asked for parent volunteers to sit in the band rooms as monitors. Kellie Norton volunteered to be a monitor for the concert band. Mr. Wilson advised that Ray-Pec is one of the few districts that does not have band every day for 6th through 8th grades. Mr. Wilson has written a proposal to Mr. Volker to try to change this. Mr. Wilson asked for parent support to help make this change to help Ray-Pec have an even better band program. He also advised that other schools are getting better resources. Jim Johnson advised that he met with Tom Cruise recently about percussion and drumline and stressed to Mr. Cruise what is needed to be competitive with others bands. Mr. Wilson advised he wants a decision made about whether we want to get a semi-trailer or table the decision until a later time. Holli Berry indicated she wanted to know the specifics about costs related to getting a trailer such as insurance, maintenance, etc. Jim Johnson advised (1) that it would probably take $9,500-$10,000 to purchase a good trailer, (2) it would cost $100 per year for DOT fees (to travel out of state), (3) we would need a truck to pull the trailer and (4) there would be a one-time license fee of $300. There is also a company that would provide aluminum ramps and DOT inspection and certification. Mr. Wilson made the motion and Dillon Jarrett seconded to have a trailer committee formed consisting of Jim Johnson, Jeff McDowell, Mike McIntosh and Dillon Jarrett. Motional carried. Communication’s Report – Dillon Jarrett Mr. Jarrett advised that he is looking at including the price of shipping instruments to Hawaii into the cost of the trip. Vice President Report – Dana Wilhite Nothing to report Treasurer’s Report – Jeff McDowell Checking account balance = $17,858.87 Savings account balance = $19,889.84 (this is student accounts) Jeff advised the boosters that his family will be transferring to a different school district after first semester. He will be resigning his position as treasurer. It was decided we would have a special meeting in January to elect a new treasurer. Fundraising – Mary Fambraugh Mary advised there are lots of fundraisers. The mum fundraiser sold 450 mums. Total amount is still being finalized from pancake breakfast. Howl ‘n Glow made approximately $2,100 for the Band Boosters. The craft show made approximately $1,000 for the Band Boosters. The trash bag fund raiser is being finished up now. The Butter Braids fundraiser will begin on November 11th. Mary advised that they are not getting a lot of volunteers to help with the fundraisers. Mr. Jarrett made a suggestion getting a volunteer coordinator to recruit workers for fundraisers. The Father-Daughter Dance will be coordinated this year by Krina Snyder. Band Extravaganza will be held on two nights this year. The El Dorado Mexican Restaurant fundraiser is tomorrow night (November 5th) from 5:00 to 8:00pm. Kellie Norton advised that volunteers are needed to wait tables. Kim Sickler volunteered to help. Maria Nicholson discussed with the group how to use our 501 C3 status as a non-profit organization for fundraising opportunities. One way is to have a local car dealership donate a car and then we sell tickets for a set amount of money to make money for the organization. Uniform Chair Report – Tracey Caskey Tuxes and dresses will be ready for the November 11th concert. Tracy advised we are short on the number of tux pants and other items we need. We need 11 pair of tux pants ($25.00 each), 16 bow ties ($3.00 each) and 1 shirt. Mr. Jarrett made the motion and Mr. Wilson seconded to approve for $500 to purchase the needed items. Motion carried. Hospitality Chair Report – Kim Sickler Nothing to report except Kim wanted to thank everyone for their help during marching season. Band Dad’s Chair Report – Mike McIntosh Nothing to report except Mike wanted to thank everyone for their help during marching season. This was the best group of helpers so far. Special thanks to Doug Stark for pulling the band trailer. New Business We have an outstanding balance of $781 to pay for the Pep-In-Step t-shirts. Holli Berry made the motion to pay the outstanding balance and Jeff McDowell seconded. The motion carried. Holli Berry reminded everyone that if a large purchase needs to be made for the band or band boosters, approval must be obtained prior to the purchase. The following wording for amendment to the Raymore-Peculiar Band Booseter by-laws regarding past due student fees was discussed. The motion to amend the wording was made, voted on and the motion carried. o Past due band fees will automatically result in monies being transferred to pay past due fees if funds are available in the student’s account. The motion was made by Mr. Jarrett and seconded by Miss Gibson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15pm. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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