RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. October 17, 2015 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on October 17, 2015 in Warrensburg, MO at the Festival of Bands competition at the University of Central Missouri. Those is attendance were: Dana Wilhite, Holli Berry, Shelley Crane, Kim Tribolet, Julie Adolphsen, Chris Wilhite, Donny Brown, Tim Tribolet, Howard Kelley, Dan Dorweiler, John Bruflat, Brandon McCoy, Jennifer Gibson, Dillon Jarrett, John Wilson, Tracy Caskey, Brian Kincaid, Jo Prickett, Pat Roberts, Shellie Nokes, Raelynn Brown, Christy Stewart, R. G. Stewart, Kerry Lesmeister, Kim Roberts, Kim Sickler, D. Norton, Tim Yates, Julie Godsey, Rebecca Yates, Sherry Dubois, Melissa Hogan, Robert Hacker, Kellie Norton and Debbie Elrod. The meeting was called to order at 3:33 p.m. Meeting minutes from the September 8th meeting were reviewed. John Wilson made a motion to approve the meetings minutes and the meeting minutes were approved. Director’s Report: John Wilson UCM performance: *best band performance so far has been at UCM Football game: *Ray-Pec has a football game on Friday, October 23rd *band will perform High School band concert: *band concert is on Monday, October 26 *need people to help set up at 5:30 pm *concert starts at 7 pm * all three bands will perform All-District band auditions: *leave at 7:30 am *location is Warrensburg High School *parents can pick up students after they play *no parent volunteers needed for this event *students will need money for lunch; students will have to be transported on buses to get lunch Thank you: *everything has been going really smoothly *John expressed his appreciation for all of the help on the field, with food, with uniforms etc. *the directors are seeing progress in all areas *very pleased with parents and students *staff has been working very hard *it has been fun and things are going well Communication Report: Dillon Jarrett By-laws: *need to have a by-law review committee *interested people should contact Dillon Jarrett by email Hawaii: *things are falling into place *final payments are due *there will be a Hawaii meeting in early November *need as many people who are going on the trip to be there as possible President’s Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton Thank you: *thank you to Chris Wilhite for pulling things together as the new Head Band Dad *thank you to the Band Dads for all of their work on Thursday and Friday nights and at competitions Donation to church: *Kellie asked for $100 donation for child care that was provided by the church near the high school; a motion was made by Kellie Norton and seconded by Kim Roberts; motion passed Trunk or Treat at RPHS: *Kellie suggested the band give back to the community by participating in the Trunk or Treat at the North RPHS on October 27th *will ask band families to donate bags of candy *Brian Kincaid suggested setting up the little band trailer as a haunted house for the Trunk or Treat Fundraising: Ford drive for your school fundraiser: *this fundraiser is cancelled at this time *if someone would like to take over this fundraiser, please contact Kellie Norton Ideas for fundraising needed: *please contact Kellie Norton if you have ideas for Band Booster fundraisers *money is needed for the account Big Daddy Donuts fundraiser: *Friday, October 30th from 5 am to noon *25% of the profit will go to the band *available at both Big Daddy Donuts locations Trash Bags: *still have some trash bags to be delivered *list of students will be given Butter Braids: *samples will be provided on the night of the band concert on October 26th *this will be a student fundraiser *delivery will be before the Hawaii trip Vice President’s Report: position vacant Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey *Tracy passed out a financial report for September *current balance is $6200 *there are still several large bills outstanding including the bill for electric cords and food for the UCM competition *money is needed for the account *collection of band fees is going ok *trash bag money will be processed soon Uniform Chairperson Report: Jo Prickett *everything has been moved to the trailer and is organized *more than half of the students have been fitted for concert wear *sizes are ok for this year; may need additional sizes of tuxedo shirts and pants at some point Hospitality Chairperson Report: Kim Sickler Thank you: *thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped with food service Head Band Dad Chairperson: Chris Wilhite Drivers: *Trent Stevens and his wife have been drivers for the band *they have never accepted payment; they have donated their services to the band *band sweatshirts and t-shirts have been given to them in appreciation for their help Trailer sponsors: *a $1500 donation of goods and services earned a sponsor an advertising spot on the back of the trailer *Chris asked what stipulations were made for sponsorship *Chris would like the sponsorship to be a yearly obligation in order to earn money to sustain the trailer *could also have sponsors on the inside doors of the trailer Thank you notes and photos to sponsors: *Chris also suggested the band give thank you notes and photos of the band with the trailer to each sponsor to display in their place of business *big sponsors included Harmon Tire and others *John Wilson mentioned contacting Rob, the photographer, who takes the band pictures Budget for trailer: *a budget is needed to maintain the trailer so the band can plan ahead for needs *$300 ($177 plus mileage and $87 in gas) was spend for the Odessa competition *Tammy Maddox at the high school paid for the trailer costs with a school credit card but this money will need to be repaid *Tracy Caskey is itemizing trailer costs and will assess the fees for transportation *drivers get paid by the hour *another company could be used that would cost $20 less; they only accept direct withdrawal payments from a bank account *Commerce Bank could set up a separate account that could be used for this in the future Low hanging wires: *the trailer must only go in and out of the main school entrance due to low hanging wires Volunteers needed: *there has been a great response from parents but more volunteers will be needed *trailer will need undercarriage repairs *will also need some welding done for trailer *need a volunteer who has a commercial sewing machine to make new props for color guard Band Dad projects: *Band Dads will probably be able to build whatever is needed but will need to be given time and creative input New Business: Election of new Vice President: *election will be postponed *1 volunteer for the position, Kim Roberts *Holli Berry nominated Dana Wilhite *nominating committee has not met yet *nominating committee members are Dana Wilhite, Tracy Caskey, Kellie Norton and John Wilson *nominating committee will meet on Friday, October 24th A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:02 pm by Dillon Jarrett and was seconded by Kellie Norton. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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