MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. August 11, 2015 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on August 11, 2015 in the South High School band room. Those in attendance were: Rosa Fischer, Cyndee Byous, Allison Bruflat, Dana Wilhite, Christy Stewart, Jackie Dorweiler, Sherri Jungman, Jo Prickett, Kathy Thomas, Dave Thomas, Belinda Miller, Danny Brown, Katie Hatfield, Melissa Hogan, Kim Sickler, Lisa Hatfield, Julie Godsey, Julie Adolphson, John Wilson, Robert Hacker, Dillon Jarrett, Jennifer Gibson, James Johnson, Kellie Norton, Tracy Caskey and Debbie Elrod. The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: *July 14, 2015 minutes were reviewed *a motion to approve was made by Sherri Jungman and seconded by Kellie Norton *motion carried Director’s Report: John Wilson Summer band camp: *John Wilson reported summer band camp was very successful; the band has made wonderful progress and he is excited for this school year Make-up Pictures: *picture re-takes will be on 8/12/15 Convocation: *the band will perform at the Raymore-Peculiar School District Convocation on 8/12/15 Band tower: *John Wilson expressed his gratitude to Carter Wilhite for designing and building the band tower as part of his Eagle Scout project *John Wilson thanked Carter Wilhite, the Wilhite family and the Boy Scouts for working together to create the tower *the 12 foot tower will be of great help to the band directors Competitions: *the band will not be going to the St. Louis band competition as the competition is full *the band will go to a competition at UCM instead *most competitions will be Saturday only *the Broken Arrow competition will include an overnight stay, probably on Saturday night *check the newsletter for upcoming information Communications Report: Dillon Jarrett Hawaii update: *a Gateway representative contacted Dillon Jarrett and stated the school is in good shape regarding preparation for the trip *working on choosing music for the trip and completing the instrument manifest *instrument transportation is included in the trip cost *dates of trip are 11/25/15-12/2/15 *there are approximately 180 passengers; approximately 100 students *the first piece of luggage is included in the trip fees *a school bus will transport trip passengers to the airport *students will wear their bibbers, a Hawaiian shirt, black socks and black shoes as their uniform *color guard will choose one of their uniforms to wear Newsletter: *Jennifer Gibson requested that newsletter information be turned in to her by 12 noon on Fridays *please put “newsletter” in the subject line of your email President’s Report/Head Band Dad: Jim Johnson Band trailer: *interior work to be completed by 8/12/15 tentatively *$3200 was donated to add the logo to the trailer; more donations are welcome *a $1500 donation will get a back door logo; no other grocery store logos allowed *would like graphic work to be completed by the band’s first competition *band dads are needed to assist with loading and unloading the trailer *the band trailer will be on display on Senior Night; loading will begin around 5 pm *students will need practice on loading their items into the trailer Drive 4 Your School fundraiser: *sponsored by the Ford Motor Company *$20 for each person who test drives a Ford vehicle; cap of $6000 *a date needs to be chosen for this event *need to have 30-45 days notice for advertising *this would be a Band Booster fundraiser *possible locations were suggested including: Eagle Glen, parking lot by Office Max, old Price Chopper parking lot Vice President Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton Senior night: *everything is scheduled Fundraising meeting: *Thursday, August 13th at 6 pm Mums: *forms to be handed out at the family picnic on 8/20/15 *fundraiser will end on 8/31/15 *delivery will be on 9/21/15 or 10/1/15 * Johnson Farms will be used for the mums fundraiser next year Spirit Wear: *$7.50-$10 profit per item *Monkey printing is creating spirit wear for parents and students including t-shirts, hoodies, hats etc. *ordering information will be provided in the newsletter and on the website; Kellie will also have forms Family picnic: *on 8/20/15 at 5 pm *there is a possibility of a donation of hotdogs; Kim Sickler has also put brats on order *sign up for the picnic on Monkey survey Butter braids: *sale will be held from 10/26/15-11/6/15 *pick-up will be on 11/19/15 after the Hawaii send-off concert Trash bags: *TBD *pink and Christmas bags were requested Royals game: *no date available for this year Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey Bank account information: *bank account information for 7/1/15 through 7/31/15 was provided *information regarding student accounts can be tracked through the Charms program *currently, $18,000 in the band bank account is student funds *a number of unpaid bills have been paid *currently we have a balance of approximately $1000 *Tracy will provide a transaction report for future meetings Change in bank account management: *Tracy made a proposal to keep student funds in the checking account instead of the savings account *this would allow for easier money management and would avoid bank fees for money transfers *a motion was made to approve this change by Kellie Norton *a vote was taken, all were in favor of this change and the motion carried Benevolent fund: *Dillon Jarrett reported that at the end of the last school year, the benevolent fund had a balance of approximately $5000 *Dillon went through the Charms accounts and found inactive accounts; these accounts were closed out and the funds were transferred to the benevolent fund *currently this fund balance is approximately $10,000 *this money is all fundraising money; state laws prohibit refunding it Band fees: *it was requested that parents add/update their contact information in the Charms system *the first payment of band fees is due by September 15th *parents can go to the band website and fill out the form on the website to request money to be transferred to pay band fees *color guard members can request that band funds be used to pay color guard fees by contacting Tracy Uniform Chair Report: Jo Prickett Uniforms: *uniforms have been fitted; thanks to all who helped at the work sessions *new shoes orders are needed asap; fliers will also be handed out Hospitality Chair Report: Kim Sickler *allergy information is starting to be received *meal planning is starting *working on creating meals for students to purchase before games *items have been priced for the family picnic *would like to have Sam’s Club deliver a pallet of water to be kept in the shed *the same food providers will be used at Broken Arrow this year *pizza for bank camp went over well *Kellie Norton will set up a sign-up genius for volunteering to help with meals New Business Benevolent fund: *a fund request form will be posted to the website *the executive board will review requests and approve funds *the benevolent fund is open to color guard members as well as band members *money from this fund comes from accounts that are closed (ex. students who have graduated, moved away etc.) *$1000 will be set aside for use this year *the board will determine the eligibility criteria *attempts to participate in fundraising and volunteering will be considered when determining eligibility *the current balance of approximately $10,000 is inflated due to closed account funds that were transferred *the board approved to transfer $7000 to the general band fund *$3000 will be left in the benevolent fund Proposed by-law change: *according to the current by-laws, students who graduate or transfer are supposed to get a final statement of their band funds *the student may choose to transfer the money to a sibling’s account or transfer the money to the general fund or the benevolent fund *Dillon Jarrett proposed that if funds are not transferred to a sibling, the funds should be transferred to the Band Booster’s general fund *the current by-law was read *John Wilson made a motion to approve this proposal; Kellie Norton seconded the motion and the proposal will be placed on the agenda for next month *the Charms system will provide account information for students Sound equipment needs: *two years ago, sound equipment was added to the frontline *the frontline has grown tremendously and therefore, there is a need for additional sound equipment *new cabling will make movement of equipment easier and faster *additional microphones and additional cabling are needed as well as an iPod *equipment costs would be $1499.70 plus shipping and handling *Dillon Jarrett made a motion to approve $1600 for the additional sound equipment and Kellie Norton seconded *the Band Boosters voted and this was approved by all *this money will come from the $7000 from the general fund, not from band fee money Band pictures: *a Shutterfly account may be set up for band pictures A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm by Dillon Jarrett and was seconded by Kellie Norton. Motion carried. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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