Minutes of the Board of Raymore-Peculiar Band Booster Club, Inc.
August 19, 2014 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on Aug. 19, 2014 in the RPHS band room. Those in attendance were: John Wilson, Dillon Jarrett, Jennifer Gibson, Holli Berry, Jeff McDowell, Mike McIntosh, Mary Fambrough, Kellie Norton, Julie Adolphson, Alec Adolphson, Kim Tribolet, Tim Tribolet, Donny Brown, Tracy Caskey. The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: A copy of the July 8, 2014 meeting minutes was presented. A motion was made by Dillon Jarrett to approve the minutes from the July 8, 2014 meeting. Mike McIntosh seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Director’s Report: John Wilson Marching band students will attend and play the National Anthem at the Royals game on Tuesday Sept. 2, 2014. Students will sell tickets for $10ea. making $5.00 off each ticket for their student account. Forms will be going out asap. Students will be fed before leaving school. Lines will be correctly painted on the smurf turf at the end of this week. Thanks to parents for making phone calls/emails to get this accomplished. Mike McIntosh has made a water tree to be used by the band. Student teacher Brandi Vanbibben(sp?) or Ms. V is working with Mr. Wilson, she is a student from UCM. Competitions are as follows: 8/20 Blue Springs South 10/4 Broken Arrow, Oklahoma- we are checking into charter buses 10/11 Lee’s Summit High School 10/18 Odessa 10/24-25 Francis Howell, St. Louis (overnighter) To resolve the attendance problems at rehearsals, a 90% attendance policy is going to be enforced. From now until Sept. 20th, students with less than 90% attendance at rehearsal time will be asked to sit out the first performance. Show is coming along nicely. The 2nd movement will be started this next Thursday night rehearsal. Ian McClaflan is the percussion instructor. Mr. Wilson would like to thank the booster club for approving the purchase of a sound/mic system for the directors. The quality and range is a huge improvement and greatly needed. Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band and Concert Band all doing great work. The work of auditioning students for placement is paying off. Placing students were they need to be based off skill level. Band Council and Drum Majors are showing great leadership and working on a lot of fun things for the band. Football games: Students will arrive at 5:00pm. Students should arrive in their bibbers/ dry fit shirts / black socks & band shoes. Mr. Wilson would like to see uniforms including hats, go home with students. Show shirts for students have been ordered. Parent shirts will be available for order/purchase. Also, dry fit shirts will be available to order for those parents wanting them. Communications Report: Dillon Jarrett Website has been updated and the new email system is working well. Vice President Report: Dana Wilhite Dana is working on Senior Night for Sept. 5th football game. Medals have been ordered. Jennifer Scrivener will be doing the photos. Carnations will shortly be ordered. Treasurer’s Report: Jeff McDowell Current checking account balance $7505.18. Current savings account balance $27,255.03 (student accounts). Tractor pull income was $2435.91. 2014-2015 Band Fees will be: Marching Band Students $200.00 Color Guard Students $135.00 Non-Marching Band Students $85.00 Band Fee letters will be going out asap. Mr. Jarrett will be getting the band website set up this. Fundraising: Mary Fambrough There will be 10 different fundraising opportunities before Christmas. Mums (student acct) - selling now until 8/26. Delivery will be 9/18or25. Papa John’s Cards (student acct) – selling 9/2-9/30 Each student can receive 5 cards (free to us), sells them for $10ea. Trivia Night (student & boosters)- Sept. 13th Theme:80’s Kids get teams of 8 @$10pc. to play. $20 of that back to boosters, remaining $60 split among kids playing. Ms. Gibson stated she would need a $650 budget for purchases. Holli Berry motioned and Kellie Norton seconded, the motion passed for a $650 budget. Chipotle Night (booster acct) – 8/26/14, 4-8pm must bring or show on phone the band flyer. Royals Tickets (student acct) , see explanation in directors report. Howl-n-Glow 3K Walk/Run (booster acct) - Sunday Oct. 12, 6-7:15 Packet pick up, 7:30 Race Glow necklaces & t shirts provide with registration. Dress up your dog. Awards & medals given out. Ms. Gibson stated she would need a $130 budget for expenses. Holli Berry motioned and Kellie Norton seconded, the motion passed for $130 budget for expenses. Mr. Jarrett has looked into an online registration service to handle sign ups with a PayPal payment option. The service is $30 monthly and we would need it for 2 months, cancellation after that period. Mr. Jarrett motioned and Jeff McDowell seconded, the motion passed for $60 to be allowed to purchase this web service. Pancake Breakfast (student acct) – 9/27 at United Methodist church next door, student would sell tickets Trash Bags (student acct) – This is under consideration. Craft Show (student & booster acct) – November 1st @ Eagle Glen Booth fees will go to booster acct. Students will be encouraged to create a basket and money made from this going to student acct. Kellie Norton asked for a $200 budget allowed for food items to sell. Holli Berry motioned and Jennifer Gibson seconded, the motion passed to allow for a $200 budget for expenses. Butterbraids Pastries (student acct) – Considering selling in Nov or Dec. Students can make $5.20-$5.50 per item. Sherry Jungman is heading this up. Food Drive for the community at a concert. May consider giving food to the district’s CAN program. Uniform Chair Report – Tracy Caskey Marching alterations are almost done, only about 5 left. Shoes are almost done for everyone. A few pairs must be returned/exchanged for bigger sizes. Mr. Jarrett will make copies of the uniform contract for Tracy to complete for each student. Wind Symphony- girls in dresses/ guys in tuxes; Symphonic Band- guys in tuxes; Concert Band- guys in tuxes all must be ready to go by November 11th High School Band concert. Hospitality Chair Report- Kim Sickler Kim was not in attendance of the meeting. Holli Berry will talk with her about feeding the band at school before going to the Royals game. Band Dad’s Chair Report- Mike McIntosh Mike has built a water tree. New Business Holli has created a sign up to sell programs at the football games. The next board meeting on Sept. 9 will have a new start time of 6pm and those thereafter. Mr. Jarrett provided a Hawaii update. There is no longer a waiting list. A 5th charter bus has been added due to number of travelers to accommodate everyone wanting to go without increasing costs. Motion by Mr. Jarrett with a second by Jeff McDowell to adjourn the meeting, motion passed. Adjourned at 8:14pm. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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