RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. June 7, 2016 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held in the auditorium of the South Raymore-Peculiar High School building. Those in attendance were Belinda Miller, Sarah Tibbets, Amanda McVay, Jan Hood, Melissa Hogan, Sherry Dubois, Howard Day, Denise Standinger, Marie Corbin, Kerry Lesmeister, Julie Hart, Charlene Conner, Celia Squires, Dennis Squires, Keith Elliott, Angela Elliott, Valorie Wright, Cassandra Hord, Diane Glass, Keri Keys, Caren Homer, Angela Mayberry, Angela Weiss, Jennifer Boman, Rodney Boman, Robert Hacker, Jen Inman, Shawn Austin, N. Austin, Sandi Williams, Jo Prickett, Debbie Elrod, John Wilson, Dillon Jarrett, Jennifer Gibson, Allison Bruflat, Tracy Caskey, Julie Adolphson and Dana Wilhite. The meeting was called to order at 7:16 p.m. Meeting Minutes Approval: *the minutes from the May 2016 meeting were reviewed *a motion to approve the minutes was made by Sherri Jungman and seconded by Tracy Caskey and the motion carried Director’s Report: John Wilson Thank you: *thank you to Kellie Norton and Debbie Elrod for their work on the Executive Board for the 2015-2016 school year Communications Report: Dillon Jarrett *Jennifer Gibson will send out information for how to sign up for Remind 101 text alerts and the Friday emails President’s Report/Fundraising: Kellie Norton Attorney change: *Kellie asked to vote to change the attorney who is reviewing the by-laws to Lynn Laffoon; a vote was taken and this request passed with a majority of the vote *Laffoon will charge a flat rate of $250 to review the by-laws *changes will be discussed at the July Band Booster meeting Chipotle fundraiser: *July 14th, time to be determined *more information to come Band shed: *shed has been moved due to construction *metal parts on shed are bent and it is difficult to open the door and lock the door Piano accompanist: *Kellie was notified that Linda Pearson, piano accompanist, needed payment by Band Boosters *this will be taken care of by the Band Boosters Thank you: *thank you to parents who worked and supported the band students during the 2015-2016 school year Introductions: *new board members for 2016-2017 were introduced: Allison Bruflat-president, Dana Wilhite-vice president, Tracy Caskey-treasurer, Julie Adolphson-secretary Shaved Ice Truck: *Kellie will contact the company about selling snow cones at marching band camp Vice President Report: Dana Wilhite Mums: this is a big fall fundraiser; planning has started Treasurer’s Report: Tracy Caskey *Tracy handed out a copy of the treasurer’s report for May CHARMS renewal fee: *a motion was made to pay the renewal fee of $300 for the CHARMS online system; this payment was approved by the majority Paying band fees: *fill out a money transfer request on the band website to pay your band fees with money in your CHARMS account *fees will be paid as soon as the system rolls over Uniform Chairperson Report: Jo Prickett *uniforms will be cleaned and back by July *new shoes can be purchased; more info to come Hospitality Chairperson Report: Kim Sickler *Angela Weis, Hospitality for 2016-2017, asked that parents notify her of food allergies as soon as possible Band Dad Chairperson Report: Chris Wilhite No report New Business: Football program: *Jennifer Scrivener talked about the football program *this is a fundraiser; the cost of the advertising covers the cost of the program; last year this fundraiser made a little over $3000; *4-6 volunteers are needed to sell the programs at the football games; programs sell for $3.00 *a motion was made to continue with this fundraiser and it was approved *first home game is 8/26/16; program will need to be completed two weeks before the first game Band pictures: *pictures will be taken with students sitting in the stands instead of on the field *photo information TBD; usually take photos at band camp *photographer will be contacted and senior banner information will be provided Senior night: *Senior night will be 8/26/16, the first home game Band lettering policy: *policy may change for next school year; TBD Color Guard Coach: *still looking for a coach; more information to come Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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