The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on May 11, 2015 in the South High School band room. Those in attendance were: Holli Berry, Allison Bruflat, Mike McIntosh, Sherri Jungman, Jim Johnson, Kellie and Dan Norton, Tracy Caskey, Kim Roberts, Kim Schwartzman, Pat Roberts, Debbie Elrod, Jo Prickett, Kim Sickler, Julie Godsey, Alec Adolphson, Brian Kincaid, June Harryman, Jackie Dorwejier, Jeff McDowell, John Wilson, Dillon Jarrett, Dana Wilhite and Sandi McIntosh. The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: The April 14, 2015 minutes were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Mike McIntosh and seconded by Jim Johnson. Motion carried. Director’s Report – John Wilson Mr. Wilson thanked everyone who helped with Band Extravaganza. He was very pleased with the crowds both nights and was pleased with the food. The kids did well at State Solo and Ensemble in Columbia. A total of 16 – I ratings, 17 – II ratings and 4 – III ratings were received. Every band student will get a medal at the Band Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, May 12th. Drum Line tryouts will be held on May 20th from 3:00 to 5:00pm. Mr. McCoy, the new band director, will be there conducting tryouts. Mr. Wilson advised the Truck Raffle Fundraiser has been cancelled due to lack of ticket sales. Jeff McDowell and Mr. Jarrett will begin working together immediately to refund money to everyone who purchased a ticket for the raffle. Mr. Wilson advised the band was contacted by Raymore Price Chopper about doing the hotdog lunch fundraiser on Saturday, May 16th. Apparently someone had signed the band to do the fundraiser at some point but no one was aware of it until this week. Due to graduations, sports and other events this weekend, the Band Boosters discussed and decided in this meeting not to do the fundraiser. Communication’s Report – Dillon Jarrett Mr. Jarrett advised that initial feedback received regarding the new weekly Band Newsletter has been really good. Parents are finding it helpful and informational. Vice President Report – Dana Wilhite The Flower Sale held on April 24th made a total of $3,000. The Band Booster’s profit was just over $1,000. Dana advised Creekside Nursery would like to work with on for the mum fundraiser in the fall. Treasurer’s Report – Jeff McDowell Checking Balance: $13,650.18 Savings Balance: $22,918.46 The student accounts will be updated very soon with the most recent fundraiser proceeds. Fundraising – Mary Fambraugh/Kellie Norton Band Extravaganza proceeds were approximately $600.00 The proceeds from Pancake Breakfast on April 24th were minimal. On July 14th, a fundraiser will be held at Chipotle in Belton. Uniform Chair Report – Tracey Caskey Marching band uniforms will be brought back from the cleaners on May 20th. Concert attire will be sent to the cleaners at that time. Hospitality Chair Report – Kim Sickler Cake and punch will be served at the Band Awards Ceremony. Band Dad’s Chair Report – Mike McIntosh Mike thanked everyone that helped work on the new semi-trailer on April 24th. A lot of work was able to get done that day. Jim Johnson advised the painting of the semi-trailer is progressing. Masters is doing an awesome job. Jim has approached the Community Bank of Raymore and Mike has approached UMB Bank in Peculiar for corporate donations to go for material for the semi-trailer. Mr. Jarrett is working on a logo for the semi-trailer. Some bids for the logo have been obtained and the lowest estimate is approximately $4,500.00. New Business June Harryman asked for the Band Boosters to send a sympathy card to the family of Jacob Cruise. Jacob had been a band member. The elections for the 2015-2016 Executive Board of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters was held this evening. The candidates for election are as follows: o Candidates for President: o Candidates for Vice President: o Candidate for Secretary o Candidate for Treasurer: Since there were multiple candidates running for the position of President and Vice President, each candidate for this position gave a short speech to introduce themselves. The elections were held with the ballots counted by Holli Berry and Mr. Jarrett and the Executive Board of the 2015-2016 Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters are as follows: o Jim Johnson – President o Kellie Norton – Vice President o Debbie Elrod – Secretary o Tracy Caskey – Treasurer Jeff McDowell was congratulated for his job as treasurer this year. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Mike McIntosh and was seconded by Jim Johnson. Motion carried. Dana Wilhite Jim Johnson (nominated by Kim Roberts) Alec Adolphson Kellie Norton (nominated by Jo Prickett) Debbie Elrod – Secretary Tracy Caskey - Treasurer |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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