RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. DECEMBER 9, 2014 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on December 9, 2015 in the South High School band room. Those in attendance were: The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: November meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Mike McIntosh and Mr. Wilson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Director’s Report – John Wilson The 2015 band camp will be July 20 through July 31, 2015. There will be no Thursday night rehearsals over the summer. There is a possibility of doing a band weekend at a college (possibly Northwest Missouri State or Pitt State). Cost would be pretty inexpensive. December 15th will be the 7th and 8th grade band concert at the Middle School at 7pm January 13th will be the high school band concert All District Band will be January 9th and 10th at UCM. The concert will be at 3pm on Saturday. Seven students made All State Band (this is the same number as last year) Tryouts were on March 20th will be Solo and Ensemble Contest. This is the Friday of Ray-Pec’s spring break. March 27th will be State Large Ensemble Contest. High School and Middle School jazz bands are going well. The high school jazz band may participate in a jazz festival on January 14th. City Lights in November went well. Mr. Wilson thanked everyone for helping. Several parents have met with administration about the need to have band every day for 6th through 8th grades. Mr. Wilson advised this has helped get some momentum going with administration and a meeting will be held between the band directors and the administration. The amount of $5,000 is needed to reimburse the school for hotel bills for marching band Communication’s Report – Dillon Jarrett Hawaii payments need to be made. It is getting close to time for Gateway to being purchasing airline ticket. After this is done, they will begin making other final plans. If people signed up to go to Hawaii are two months or more behind on making payments, they will be put on a waiting list until payments are caught up. This does not cancel the trip if put on the waiting list. Gateway has to have a firm headcount so payments need to be made. The directors went to Hawaii over Thanksgiving break to experience the trip that the band will be taking in 2015. They were impressed with Gateway and how they organized the trip. It was well planned. Mr. Wilson said he was surprised about how educational the trip will be. The trip will be a great experience for the students. Mr. Jarrett will be contacting parents soon to give them access to Charms (band accounting system) and to show them how to check their students’ accounts. Vice President Report – Dana Wilhite Treasurer’s Report – Jeff McDowell All payments are current to date for the Hawaii trip. Fundraisers are now posted to the students’ accounts. If a payment needs to be made from a student’s account for Hawaii, please let Jeff know. Checking balance = $16,380.46 / Savings balance = $19,889.84 The tax preparer called and taxes are ready. The bill is for $350.00. Fundraising – Mary Fambrough No planned fundraisers until the Father-Daughter Dance on January 31st. El Dorado Mexican Restaurant has invited the band back to do another fundraiser. The one held in the fall raised $950.00 for the band. With respect to the Father-Daughter Dance, there are a lot of unknown questions but things are getting worked out. A back-up date needs to be set. In addition, parent meetings for the dance have been held and students have begun meeting to work on the dance. Specific work dates will be set and communicated. Andrew with Custom Fundraising Solutions met with the boosters. o He can hold a one-day mattress sale fundraiser for the band. He will take care of all o There is no work involved for the band parents or students except to get people to o Earning potential is unlimited. The band gets paid about a week after the event is o Students would get referral bonuses. o Mattresses sold will be in for delivery approximately two weeks after sale. o Delivery available or buyers can pick up at the Lenexa warehouse. o Delivery persons can remove old mattresses for an additional cost. o The sale for the Ray-Pec Band Boosters will be held on Sunday, April 12, 2015 from o Andrew will provide marketing materials, flyers, etc. to help the band advertise. o Mr. Wilson has advised he will coordinate this fundraiser. Landmark Dodge is donating a 2015 Dodge Ram 1500 (4X4 with Hemi engine) with a 3 year lease and comes with a $1,000 gas card. o To net a $12,200.00 profit, 200 tickets at $125.00 each will need to be sold. A o Ticket sales would go on until the minimum number of tickets are sold or the tickets o Landmark has advised that the band can set up a booth at Landmark Dodge to try to o A representative from Landmark brought a truck to the Band Booster Meeting tonight o Maria Nicholson has agreed to head up this fundraiser. set-up and sales. There will be 22 floor models to choose from with models from Simmons, Restonic and Simple Mattresses. Mattresses are manufactured to order. come look at the mattresses and hopefully make a purchase. held. A typical event has sales of 20-30 mattresses. The band could possibly net approximately $3,000 to $6,000. 10:00 am to 5:00pm. Cash, credit/debit cards and lay-away plans (3 payment plan) will be accepted. minimum of 102 tickets will have to be sold or refunds will have to be given. are sold out. sell tickets to customers of the dealership. They have also agreed to bring the truck to any band event/function for viewing. for attendees to preview. Uniform Chair Report – Tracey Caskey Hospitality Chair Report – Kim Sickler Band Dad’s Chair Report – Mike McIntosh A proposal was presented tonight regarding the purchase of a trailer. A copy of the complete proposal is attached with specific information regarding projected costs of equipping the trailer to meet the band’s needs. Jim Johnson made a motion to purchase the trailer at this time for a cost of $4,000. Dana Wilhite seconded the motion and the motion carried. Mr. Jarrett made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Mike McIntosh seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:03pm. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF
RAYMORE-PECULIAR BAND BOOSTERS CLUB, INC. FEBRUARY 10, 2015 The regular meeting of the Raymore-Peculiar Band Boosters Club was held on February 10, 2015 in the South High School library. Those in attendance were: Matt Bahon, Mike McIntosh, Jim Johnson, Kim Sickler, Kellie Norton, Robert Hacker, Raelynn Brown, Tracy Caskey, July Godsey, June Harryman, Melissa Hogan, Alec Adolphson, Julie Adolphson, Kim Roberts, Jeff McDowell, Dana Wilhite, Sandi McIntosh, Maria Nicholson, John Wilson, Jennifer Gibson and Dillon Jarrett. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. Meeting Minutes Approval: The December meeting minutes were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Mike McIntosh and Jim Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Director’s Report – John Wilson
Communication’s Report – Dillon Jarrett
Vice President Report – Dana Wilhite
Treasurer’s Report – Jeff McDowell
Fundraising – Mary Fambrough
Uniform Chair Report – Tracey Caskey
Hospitality Chair Report – Kim Sickler
Band Dad’s Chair Report – Mike McIntosh
New Business
Mike McIntosh made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeff McDowell seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:10pm. |
Booster MinutesThe posted minutes are from the Band Booster meetings which occur on the second Tuesday each month. Minutes are unofficial until approved the following meeting. Archives
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